The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) was founded in 1918, in Worcester, MA, and incorporated as a non-profit charitable organization in 1920 in the State of New York. AMAA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (Fed No. 13-5670954). Worldwide AMAA Headquarters is located in the United States in Paramus, NJ, with a branch office in Glendale, CA, and AMAA Armenia main offices in Yerevan, Armenia.
Our purpose is to serve the physical and spiritual needs of people everywhere, both at home and overseas. To fulfill this worldwide mission, we maintain a range of educational, evangelistic, relief, social service, church and child care ministries in 23 countries around the world.
We are governed by an elected Board of Directors composed of twenty-seven unpaid members. Our committees are composed of qualified, unpaid volunteers. A paid office staff administers the life and work, and administrative and overhead costs are less than the average organization.
We emphasize full financial disclosure, accountability and careful stewardship of funds. Financial records are audited annually. Our mission and service ministry is made possible through the Grace of God and by the gifts of individuals and churches who are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission.
Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. - Mark 16:15