About Me
My name is Mane S..
City / Town / Village




Sponsorship Program

Child Sponsorship

My Story

Mane S.: I was born on February 26th,  in Goris. I have black eyes and hair. I do not have any health problems. My father is a laborer at a gas station, and my mother is a housewife and takes care of us. My guardians are my parents. Our income is not enough to cover our needs, as it includes my parents' low salaries. My parents do not have health issues. We live in a 4-room house, which needs renovation. The conditions are okay, and there is furniture. However, the main part is old and not sufficient. I have two siblings, Mikael-9 and Mari-couple of months old. We will use your assistance to care for our basic needs. (6-241; new)

Remark* Mane is a calm and modest girl. She loves playing in the yard and cycling on her bike. Starting this year, Mane will be attending school.