Day Centers
Russian language
(DC4-043; update) Arthur B.: was born on August 13th, in Gyumri. He is in the 6th grade. He likes the Russian language most of all. He has brown eyes and hair. His father does retail trading, mother, Zhenya also works in retail trading. Arthur has 2 brothers Arman (6 years old) and Karush (14 years old). Their income is not enough to care for their basic needs. The family temporarily lives in the mother's paternal house. The house that they took with a mortgage was seized as they were not able to pay. In winter, the house is heated with wooden stove. The bathroom and toilet are concrete. Child's parents can't follow up with his lessons, that's why child has low progress in school. Taking into consideration this problem the child is enrolled in the Day Center program.
Remark* The child is active, sometimes has conflicts with peers. Loves active games and sports.