Child Sponsorship
Attends kindergarten
Painting, playing football
Surik H.: I was born on July 6th, in Goris. My hair is light brown, and my eyes are green. I attend kindergarten. I like playing football and painting. I am healthy. My father doesn't work; he has a first-degree disability(he has a brain tumor, underwent surgery a few months ago, and is now bedridden). My mother is a housewife; she takes care of us. My guardian is my mother. I have a sister (Ofelya-3 years old). Our family income is not enough to care for our basic needs. It includes allowance and my father's, grandma's and aunt's pensions. We live in a very old two-room house that needs significant renovation. There are no utilities, and the bathroom is outside. The furniture is mostly old and worn. The house is connected to gas, but it is heated with wood. My grandma and aunt also live with us. Using your assistance, we will be able to care for our basic needs. (6-240; new)
Remark* Surik is a lively and active child. He enjoys playing outside or watching TV. Surik is supposed to start attending school this year.